Animal traps that grip or snare are banned in L.A. as 'inhumane' - Los  Angeles Times

Coyotes are cunning predators that can cause destruction on livestock and property if left unchecked. For many farmers and ranchers, finding effective methods to control coyote populations is essential for protecting their livelihoods. One method that has been used for centuries is the coyote snare.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using coyote snares as a means of population control and discuss why they are still a valuable tool for modern-day farmers and ranchers.

Effective Population Control:

Coyote snares are an effective means of controlling coyote populations because they target the animals directly. Unlike other methods such as trapping or shooting, snares are specifically designed to capture coyotes alive, allowing farmers and ranchers to remove them from their property without causing harm.

This is especially important in areas where coyotes are protected or where other wildlife may be at risk of being accidentally injured or killed.

Cost-Effective Solution:

Another benefit of using coyote snares is that they are a cost-effective solution for controlling coyote populations. Snares are relatively inexpensive to purchase and can be deployed in large numbers across a property, making them ideal for farmers and ranchers who need to cover a wide area.

Additionally, once set up, snares require minimal maintenance, saving both time and money compared to other methods of population control.

Minimal Impact on the Environment:

Coyote snares have minimal impact on the environment compared to other methods of population control. Unlike traps or poisons, which can harm non-target species and disrupt ecosystems, snares are designed to capture coyotes without causing harm to other wildlife.

This makes them a more environmentally friendly option for farmers and ranchers who are concerned about conservation and biodiversity.


Coyote snares are versatile tools that can be used in a variety of settings and conditions. Whether deployed in open fields, wooded areas, or along fence lines, snares can effectively capture coyotes wherever they are active.

Additionally, snares can be adjusted to target specific sizes of coyotes, allowing farmers and ranchers to tailor their trapping efforts to the local population.

Quick and Humane:

When set up properly, coyote snares can capture coyotes quickly and humanely. Unlike traps, which may injure or maim animals before they are discovered, snares are designed to restrain coyotes without causing unnecessary suffering.

This ensures that captured animals can be removed from the property and either relocated or euthanized in a humane manner.


In conclusion, coyote snares are a valuable tool for farmers and ranchers looking to control coyote populations and protect their livestock and property. With their effectiveness, cost-efficiency, minimal environmental impact, versatility, and humane capture methods, snares offer a practical solution for managing coyote populations in a responsible manner.

While other methods may exist, coyote snares remain a tried-and-true option for those facing coyote-related challenges in rural areas. By using snares responsibly and in accordance with local regulations, farmers and ranchers can help ensure the long-term coexistence of humans and coyotes while safeguarding their livelihoods.

By Harriet

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