Disney Park Brings Back a Nighttime Favorite


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Guests at Walt Disney theme parks routinely finish off their visit at night watching colorful fireworks and light shows before exiting.

Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., and Disney World in Florida have offered various spectacular shows over the years that they occasionally refresh to maintain the interest of returning visitors.

Magic Kingdom Park at Disney World has had long-running fireworks shows over the years, including “Fantasy in the Sky” (1971-2003), “Wishes: A Magical Gathering of Disney Dreams” (2003-2017), and “Happily Ever After” (2017-March 12, 2020, then July 1, 2021-Sept. 29, 2021), according to Fandom. Finally, the park unveiled “Disney Enchantment” on Oct. 1, 2021, a 15-minute fireworks spectacular to celebrate the Disney World 50th anniversary.

By Harriet