Midland Fusion win Premier 1 state title for 1st time


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Team concludes long career which includes multiple state championships

Photo of Fred Kelly

The Midland Fusion ’04 boys’ travel soccer team capped a great career recently by winning the Michigan Premier 1 league championship, edging the Lakeside Premier 4-3 in the final in dramatic fashion. Trailing 3-2 with 20 minutes remaining, the Fusion got a pair of late goals from Dow High’s Lance Coleman to steal the victory and win their first Premier 1 championship.

Previously, the Fusion had won Premier 2 state titles in 2016 and 2017 and also finished third out of 25 teams this year at the Crossroads of America College Showcase in Indiana. During this year’s season, the Fusion defeated three different teams which competed at the regional level.

A number of current Fusion players have been together since they claimed their first tournament title at the 2012 Fusion Invitational. Ten of those players were members of the team’s 2017 Premier 2 championship squad and this year’s Premier 1 championship team.

The team includes six First Team All-Saginaw Valley League honorees, including 2021 SVL Most Valuable Player Jack Wolohan of Dow, and three First Team All-Tri-Valley Conference honorees. The team’s captains hail from Dow, Bullock Creek, Freeland, Bay City Western, Saginaw Nouvel, Shepherd, and Mount Pleasant.


By Harriet